Monday, July 24, 2023

How to Apply for a KIIP Test or Start from level 0 (사회통합프로그램 사전평가 신청)

 How to apply for the KIIP level test or midterm test or comprehensive test (사회통합프로그램 사전평가/중간평가/종합평가 신청

From 2021/03/10, when you apply for 사전평가, 중간평가, 종합평가 (Pre-test, level 4 test, level 5 test), the test fee is 38,000 won. (Previously, it was 30,000 won)

If you haven't had a account, visit this post to know how to create an account: 
How to register a 

If you already have a account, you want to register for a mid-term test (중간평가) or comprehensive test (종합평가), skip steps 1-2 and start from step 3c.

Step 1Visit, and click (1) 회원로그인 at the top right corner. Then, click (2) 사회통합프로그램 and choose (3) 단계배정

Step 2: There are 3 options that you can choose one from them.

1) Start from level 0, without taking the level test. Click 신청 button to apply.
2) Take the level test to get your proper level. Click 신청 button to apply.
3) Visit your nearby immigration office or Call the number 1345 during office hours to get support for submitting your TOPIK certificate online.

Step 3: 

a) If you select  option 1 (start from level 0), you will be redirected to my page 마이페이지, which can be accessed by clicking the 마이페이지 button at the top right corner at any time.

Now all you need to do is to wait until your application is approved. After that, you can apply for level 0 class. 

For details about class registration, please refer to this post: 

b) If you select the option 2 (take the level test), you will be redirected to a new page as in the below picture.

c) If you want to take the midterm test or comprehensive testclick (1) 사회통합프로그램 and choosing (2) 평가신청, then tick in the box (3) 동의합니다, then click (4) 신청 to move to the test registration site. (see the above picture)

Step 4: At the new webpage (, fill in all required information to create an account at the test site. 

- When you fill in your address, click 주소찾기 then type your address in Korean. Then select your address from a list. 

- If you can't type Korean character, use to support you.

- After you filled in your phone number, click 인증번호 전송 (receive security number) to receive a 6-digit code on your phone to verify your information. The message will appear like this:
귀하의 휴대폰 인증번호는 613940 입니다.
Enter the code in the box, and click 인증하기 (verify). If the code is correct, you will see this message 인증을 완료하였습니다 (verification is completed).

- You can skip to select nationality 국적 and visa 체류가격, but don't forget to tick in the last box to receive information visa SMS. It is very helpful for registering the test and class later.

- Finally, click 확인 button at the end of the page to finish creating an account at the test site

Step 5You will be redirected to the login page. Fill in your id and password 

Step 6: After signed in, you can see several options. Select 'level test' 사전평가 as below pictures, then click 'next step' 다음단계.

Step 7
a) Click on the available 'test date' 평가선택

b) select your 'test location' 평가지역 (choose the location nearest to you)

c) Pay the test fee of 38,000 won. 
'Method of payment' 결재선택  > select 'Virtual Account' 가상계좌이체 (you transfer money to a virtual accountthen click 'Pay' 결재하기. 

Selecting 'Virtual account' and then transfer the test fee later (within 24 hours) is the fastest way to make sure you get your spot. 

Your seat might be taken when choosing to pay using "credit card" or "real-time transfer" because it takes time to install security software and type in your card or bank info.
(Note: this picture was taken in 2020 when the test fee was 30,000 won)

Step 8: Print your receipt or save it on your phone when going for testing. 

Congratulations! You have finished applying for any KIIP test.


- The test score will be announced after the test a week. Be sure to check your score and apply for your assigned class on time.

- Please refer to the below post to know how to register for a KIIP class: 
Guide to registering for a KIIP class on Socionet

- Your level test score is valid for a maximum of 2 years as long as you haven't registered for any class. That means if you can't register for a class this semester, you can still enroll in the next semester without taking the level test again.500 Basic Korean Adjectives PDF.


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